This fully editable newsletter arrives in your inbox at the start of every month. We've made it very simple for you to customize this, including marking all the areas that need customization. Here's what is provided in the links below...
1. Newsletter - We've made it so you can print on 11x17 (folding) or 8.5x11 paper. We suggest buying high-gloss paper to make it look professional. The Newsletters are also available in Canva templates! This makes it even easier to customize your newsletter. As always, newsletters are available as MS Word Docs since Word is available on all common area computers if you don't have it on your own computer. * We also provide instructions for turning this newsletter into an email newsletter. 2. Client Magnet Report 3. Customizing Instructions - Below is a link that includes instructions on how to customize your newsletter. It's very, very easy! Word & Mailchimp Templates Canva Templates: Canva Template Standard
"Free Report" Download
Quiz Q&A
Question: What comes at the end of every Valentine's Day?
Answer: The letter y.
Here's how to use your newsletter:
* Send to past clients monthly as an item of value.
* Print them off and give them out at Open Houses.
* Print several and leave them at your favorite restaurants, coffee shop, library, and anywhere else that allows you to leave your marketing materials.
* Print these and put them in all the bags When sponsoring an event like a road race, Old Home Day, or any event with a swag bag.
* After preparing your newsletter each month take a screenshot of it and then post a photo of your newsletter to Facebook to ask people if they want to be added to your mailing list
How to Get Your Mailer Out:
1. Email HappyAgent@LAERRealty.com and let us know what you need to be customized on your ROAR Report.
2. Approve your customized ROAR Report once Happy Agent makes the changes
3. Email Happy Agent if you need help downloading your database from your CRM to a CSV file
4. Email your completed ROAR Report and CSV file to Info@YellowLettersComplete
5. Yellow Letters Complete will email you your total pricing (based on the number you mail).
6. Approve the pricing and authorize Yellow Letters Complete to send your ROAR Reports.
Pricing for ROAR Reports (printing/folding/postage):
200+: $1.49 each
300+: $1.29 each
500+: $0.90 each
700+: $0.85 each Yellow Letters Complete Website: https://www.yellowletterscomplete.com/ Contact Dave Schaaf at YLC: info@yellowletterscomplete.com Yellow Letters Training Class on Direct Mail: https://www.facebook.com/stacey.alcorn1/videos/10158337427131477/ ** Yellow Letters Complete offers all kinds of personalized mailing options. Above, is the information for the ROAR Reports since that is the mailer most of you have been inquiring about over the last 7 days.