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Mindful Monday - To Know Or Not To Know

“The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.” - Socrates

Know: To have direct cognition of.

Fallacy: A mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.

Reality: The world or state of things as they actually exist.

Aware: The quality or state of being aware. Understanding the extent of one’s knowledge.

Life is lived in relation to what one knows, thinks they know, or what they willingly acknowledge they do not know. It is entirely possible to know, however one must first qualify and quantify how they know, in order to assuredly evaluate the integrity of what they do know. Often, there is a discrepancy between what one believes they know and what they actually know. Awareness is true Knowledge.

By understanding the methods of acquiring knowledge, and evaluating the legitimacy of what is (thought) to be known, fallacies are mitigated, resulting in Awareness.

5 Identified Methods of Knowing:


This is source-based knowledge.

Pro: This is a fast track (with hazards) which is sometimes necessary since it is often very difficult to properly research and fact verify all information. Even when the authority has good intent.

Con: Even where the authority has good intent, the root source of their knowledge must be verified. The authority may think they know what they know, without really knowing. Maliciously or unintentionally, this must be considered.


The use of logic and logic-based reasoning are used to acquire knowledge.

Pro: Logic applied correctly leads to and validates sound conclusions.

Con: Where there is a mistake or error in the logic,an illogical conclusion results.

Scientific Method:

Testing ideas against a hypothesis.

Pro: The presumption of unawareness.

Con: It’s time consuming and can only be applied to information that is observable.


Instinct, emotion, and that good old gut-feeling.

Pro: It is natural and oftentimes reliable.

Con: It is subject to personal and social biases.


Personal experience is the highest order of knowledge.

Pro: Experience provides for direct knowledge and information.

Con: Each individual experiences and defines the world through their senses; hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch. Consequently, not all of reality can be truly experienced through the five senses alone. It must be interpreted.

“Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold. The individual unfolds to an awareness of it.” - Walter Russell

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